Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Big Sale

Today we had a 20% off sale going on at the store. Buzz, buzz, buzz . . . the peoples were excited.

My favorite customers were the husband-wife team who were shopping the puzzle aisle. We have approximately umpteen million puzzles. They were very excited about the news that they were going to get 20% off. Husband asked me a bunch of questions about puzzles--why some have higher prices, that sort of thing. So I shared my vast wealth of knowledge; special purchases where we pass on the savings, companies that use thinner cardboard and different piece sizes, special artists who must be getting royalties (we hope.)

His wife picked one of a kitchen scene, sunny window and shelves of white stoneware, she said it seemed like such a happy scene. He was carrying one with a landscape on it, but when he saw her reaction to the kitchen, he said "Let's get that one!"

It was sweet to see them negotiate with each other. She didn't want to force the kitchen scene on him, didn't think it was his taste, he pointed out that after they do that one, they could come back and choose another . . .

I enjoyed basking in the vibe of these folks getting along.

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